728 Scouting Units
See below for info about all of our scouting units!
60 Years of Scouting at St. Paul Church!
Originally chartered in February 1958, St. Paul Catholic Church has 60 years of Scouting under it's belt. The church welcomes boys and girls of all faiths into Cub Scout Pack 728, Scouts BSA Troop 728 for Boys, Scouts BSA Troop 728 for Girls, and for high adventure older scouts Venturing Crew 728. St. Paul's Scouting has a long history of leadership and service in the community. Look around St. Paul the Apostle Church, and you’ll see many examples of Eagle projects our boys have done. We take pride that we’ve taken nearly 100 Scouts to Eagle - many have earned multiple Eagle Palm honors.
Cub Scout Pack 728
Visit the Cub Scout 728 Website
Focus: Young Scouts Ages 5-11 Girl Dens & Boy Dens Dens grouped by ages
Cub Scouts is associated with Scouting for young children usually between 5 and 11. Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It's fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today - and for life. There are dens for girls and dens for boys in each Cub Scout Pack.
Scouts BSA Troop 728 for Boys
Visit the Boys Troop 728 Website
Focus: Leadership Ages 11-17 Boys Only Youth-Led Patrols grouped in mixed ages
Scouts BSA (formerly known as the Boy Scouts) is the flagship membership level of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) for boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 17. Scouts BSA provides young men and women with real-world leadership experiences, camping, outdoor adventures, service projects, and individual recognition. Our boys troop has been continuing for over 60 years!
Scouts BSA Troop 728 for Girls
Visit the Girls Troop 728 Website
Focus: Leadership Ages 11-17 Girls Only Youth-Led Patrols grouped in mixed ages
As of February 2019, Scouts BSA became available for girls too! We have an active, scout-led scout troop for girls so they can get the best experience just like many of their brothers have received for years! Come visit us and see why Scouts BSA is the place for your daughter! These girls have already been camping, zip-lining, and had adventures at summer camp earning merit badges!
Venturing Crew 728
Focus: High Adventure Ages 14-21 Co-ed Crew Youth-led
Venturing is an inclusive co-ed program through the Boy Scouts of America for males and females aged 14-21 (or 13 and completed the 8th grade). It's operated through Venturing Crews, units of youth and advisers that meet on set schedules and plan activities and events for youth! The purpose of Venturing is to provide positive experiences to help youth mature and to prepare them to become responsible adults. The Crew recently returned from the Bahamas where they sailed at BSA Sea Base.